Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!
Our little turkey!

Lakme' weekend

Lakme' weekend
Following first night's performance

Friday, November 7, 2008

Prayerful heart

My heart is full of joy and thanksgiving for so many reasons, but this morning I am particularly excited and hopeful for my son and daughter-in-law's future. My son will be graduating this summer with his Masters in Opera Performance from OU. He is leaving today for his first of several auditions with opera companies' resident artist programs. This is a challenging and competitive process, but we know that the Lord has placed this dream in his heart and will be faithful in leading him and his precious wife to just the right place. As I look back on my son's life, it is crazy for me to even believe that this is the path he chose for his future. He was a painfully shy little guy, always making his older sister do all of the talking! He was a homebody, choosing to watch movies at home with the family rather than going to high school parties. Now, he travels all around and sings in front of audiences. Just crazy! Definately God's choosing. I am going to (try) post some pictures that we just took the weekend we went to see him in the french opera, Lakme'. Don't be alarmed by his facial hair or makeup - it was all for the role!

1 comment:

Erin said...


it was such a pleasure to get that message from you on my blog! so fun! you are such a dear and it really made my day to hear from you. i'm sure you're loving life with that cutie grandbaby of yours! thanks for saying hi and i'll be interested to know if you're prediction about whether we're having a boy or girl is correct! :)